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J-1 Student Visas

The J-Visa is an excellent option available to those who need to study in the United States to complete their education. Students who use this visa will have certain benefits, such as having the ability to work. Keep in mind that the J-1 visa will only last as long as the necessary academic training the…

F-1 Student Visa

F-1 Student Visa

The F-1 Visa is one of the more popular options available to students who wish to do their education in the United States. A student with an F-1 visa will have the option to work part-time, at 20 hours a week. American Immigration Center answers the most common questions related to the F…

EB-5 Investor Visa

As you research which visa option is right for you, you may or may not have come across the EB-5. An EB-5 is also known as the investment visa, immigrant entrepreneur visa or millionaire visa. It allows an individual to immigrate to the U.S. by making an investment into a U.S. company.

What is the EB-5 pr

What is Family Based Immigration?

As defined by federal law, family immigration is the process in which a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident petitions for the immigration of immediate family members. Petitioning an immediate family member means that the citizen or permanent resident requests for an immediate family membe…

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